Friday, December 21, 2007

Im no Martha Stewart....

So bright idea Hannah decided that making a gingerbread house would be easy. It most likely would be if you actually had baking experience. A few months ago I posted photos of cookies I tried to make, Ill wait while you go have a look - it will give you some indication of my prowess in the kitchen....

Ok - are you done laughing now? So last night Chris and I got stuck into the recipe. Chris was in charge of mixing the egg/golden syrup and chopping the butter. How he didnt chop up a finger in the process I dont know.... and I was in charge of other stuff. Made the biggest mess possible. Spilt have of the dry ingredient mixture all over the bench top. And spent a good 5 minutes debating the difference between icing sugar and icing mixture. (If any one knows the difference please educate).

The cooking wasnt so bad....It was the assembly that was the downfall. In the end I basically filled in gaps with the icing and stuck a jelly bean where I made a mistake. The end product .....

We also made a little gingerbread house also, which you can see in the background. We are planning on giving the big one to friends of ours. Yes we do like our friends. We cellophaned it up and put lots of ribbon on it....At least they know its home made, because no self respecting bakery would let some thing like this go out in public!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas holidays

Start of the christmas holidays!! It has been a busy year and it has gone so fast.
I have made a to do list for the holidays to do some spring (late) cleaning. I have too much clutter and want to minimise. I started by cleaning out my pantry yesterday - so exciting huh?!?!

So I went shopping instead. I am starting to really dislike christmas. I have only celebrated about 6 christmas' so figured the contempt for the holiday has set in rather early - dont you think?
Reasons im starting to dislike christmas:
1. soooo not like the cheesy christmas special movies/shows
2. present pressure - every one has to have some thing. and it has to be meaningful. and it needs to be bought NOW. and it needs to match the sort of thing they would buy you.....
3. the negotiations for where we will be on the actual day. Mum can only do breakfast - lunch with Chris' parents, dinner with my Aunty....i can see me feeling tired, grumpy and sick at the end of the year im staying home...
4. There being absolutely no significance to the holiday. I feel like a hypocrite. If im going to celebrate it - shouldnt we remember it is marking Jesus' birth!?!

Ok thats my scrooge moment......

So here are some pages I have done using europe photos...

Some trippy photos from amsterdam....
Febo - a fast food vending machine outlet....about one or two people work there and they just put the food into these boxes with a very strong light that keeps the food hot. You decide what you want, put you money in, open the door and take it out.....
Chris and I in venice.....
The Grasshopper in amsterdam...a very big coffeeshop (coffee shops are hash shops..)

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Just in case Catherine visits her before Saturday.


From Chris and Hannah
